

First, you will need a raspberry pi with an operating system running on it. Visit the official software guide for a step by step guide on how to do that..

Remote control

In most cases it is more practical to control the Raspberry Pi using another computer. The two most popular methods are with either SSH or VNC.

Update system

Make sure that your Raspberry Pi is up to date:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Python version

The edurov package requires python 3. If python 3 si not your default python version (check by running python --version), you can either (1) change the default python version, or (2) use pip3 and python3 instead.

  1. Change default python version

    Take a look at this page.

  2. Use pip3 and python3

    If you don’t want to make any changes, you can call pip3 instead of pip and python3 instead of python. This will use version 3 when installing and running python scripts instead.

Install using pip

Install edurov, sudo rights are needed to enable console scripts:

sudo pip install edurov

Static IP

If you are remotely connected to the Pi it can be very useful with a static ip so that you can find the Pi on the network. How you should configure this depends how your network is setup. A guide can be found here.

Start at system startup

If you want the edurov-web command to run automatically when the raspberry pi has started. Run the following command:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Then add the following line to the bottom of the screen, but before the line that says exit 0:

edurov-web &

Exit and save by pressing CTRL+C, y, ENTER. The system then needs to be rebooted:

sudo shutdown -r now